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Care Advice

Insurance Agency


Health Care Insurance

"Obama Care

Lear About Medicare


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My name is Luz Maria Navarre licensed and trained insurance agent with experience working with individuals, families and small businesses.

Health insurance protection is a necessity for everyone. As an agent with Care Advice Insurance Agency. I offer residents of Houston, TX, and the surrounding communities a choice in health insurance.

I will work personally with you to identify your unique insurance needs and budget. I will then offer you a variety of options that address those needs. If you are looking for health, life, small group, Medicare or supplemental (voluntary) insurance, please contact me today for a free consultation and no-obligation quote.

ACA Providers

What Marketplace health insurance plans cover

All plans offered in the Marketplace cover these 10 essential health benefits:

  • Ambulatory patient services (outpatient care you get without being admitted to a hospital)
  • Emergency services
  • Hospitalization (like surgery and overnight stays)
  • Pregnancy, maternity, and newborn care (both before and after birth)
  • Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment (this includes counseling and psychotherapy)
  • Prescription drugs
  • Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices (services and devices to help people with injuries, disabilities, or chronic conditions gain or recover mental and physical skills)
  • Laboratory services
  • Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management
  • Pediatric services, including oral and vision care (but adult dental and vision coverage aren’t essential health benefits)

Medicare is a health insurance program for:

  • People age 65 or older.
  • People under age 65 with certain disabilities.
  • People of all ages with End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or a kidney transplant).

Medicare has different parts that help cover specific services:

Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) - Part A helps cover inpatient care in hospitals, including critical access hospitals, and skilled nursing facilities (not custodial or long-term care). It also helps cover hospice care and some home health care. Beneficiaries must meet certain conditions to get these benefits. Most people don't pay a premium for Part A because they or a spouse already paid for it through their payroll taxes while working.

Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) - Part B helps cover doctors' services and outpatient care. It also covers some other medical services that Part A doesn't cover, such as some of the services of physical and occupational therapists, and some home health care. Part B helps pay for these covered services and supplies when they are medically necessary. Most people pay a monthly premium for Part B.

Medicare Part D (Prescription Drug Coverage) - Medicare prescription drug coverage is available to everyone with Medicare. To get Medicare prescription drug coverage, people must join a plan approved by Medicare that offers Medicare drug coverage. Most people pay a monthly premium for Part D.

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  • General Liability Insurance
  • Workers’ Compensation Insurance
  • Professional Liability Insurance
  • Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance
  • Commercial Auto Insurance
  • Commercial Property Insurance
  • Business Owner’s Policy (BOP)
  • Hired & Non-Owned Auto Insurance
  • Tools & Equipment Insurance
  • Liquor Liability Insurance
  • Product Liability Insurance
  • Business Insurance
Family Care Illustration
Health Card Illustration

Care Advice

Insurance Agency

Seguro de Salud

"Obama Care"


Seguro de Vida

Seguro para Negocios

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Mi nombre es Luz Maria Navarre soy su agente de seguros autorizado y capacitado con experiencia en el trabajo con personas, familias y pequeñas empresas.

Tener el seguro de salud correcto es una necesidad para todos. Como agente de Care Advice Insurance, ofrezco a los residentes Texas la mejor compañía de seguro que se adapta a sus necesidades.

Si está buscando un seguro médico, de vida, para grupos pequeños, Medicare o complementario (voluntario), comuníquese conmigo hoy para una consulta gratuita y una cotización sin compromiso.


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281 851 0603

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Lo que cubren los planes de seguro médico del Mercado

Todos los planes ofrecidos en el Mercado cubren estos 10 beneficios de salud esenciales:

  • Servicios ambulatorios para pacientes (atención ambulatoria que recibe sin ser admitido en un hospital)
  • Servicios de emergencia
  • Hospitalización (como cirugía y estadías nocturnas)
  • Embarazo, maternidad y cuidado del recién nacido (tanto antes como después del nacimiento)
  • Servicios de salud mental y trastornos por uso de sustancias, incluido el tratamiento de la salud del comportamiento (esto incluye asesoramiento y psicoterapia)
  • Medicamentos recetados
  • Servicios y dispositivos de rehabilitación y habilitación (servicios y dispositivos para ayudar a las personas con lesiones, incapacidades o enfermedades crónicas a obtener o recuperar habilidades mentales y físicas)
  • Servicios de laboratorio
  • Servicios preventivos y de bienestar y manejo de enfermedades crónicas
  • Servicios pediátricos, incluida la atención bucal y de la vista (pero la cobertura dental y de la vista para adultos no son beneficios de salud esenciales)

Medicare Program - General Information

Medicare is a health insurance program for:

  • People age 65 or older.
  • People under age 65 with certain disabilities.
  • People of all ages with End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or a kidney transplant).

Medicare has different parts that help cover specific services:

Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) - Part A helps cover inpatient care in hospitals, including critical access hospitals, and skilled nursing facilities (not custodial or long-term care). It also helps cover hospice care and some home health care. Beneficiaries must meet certain conditions to get these benefits. Most people don't pay a premium for Part A because they or a spouse already paid for it through their payroll taxes while working.

Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) - Part B helps cover doctors' services and outpatient care. It also covers some other medical services that Part A doesn't cover, such as some of the services of physical and occupational therapists, and some home health care. Part B helps pay for these covered services and supplies when they are medically necessary. Most people pay a monthly premium for Part B.

Medicare Part D (Prescription Drug Coverage) - Medicare prescription drug coverage is available to everyone with Medicare. To get Medicare prescription drug coverage, people must join a plan approved by Medicare that offers Medicare drug coverage. Most people pay a monthly premium for Part D.